ANHAA NFL Flag offers several divisions of co-ed recreational Flag Football. Games will be held on weekends at Dennis Dougherty Park or Conway Field and weeknights at Conway Field.
1st - 2nd Grade
3rd - 4th Grade
5th - 6th Grade
7th - 8th Grade
Note - based on registration numbers some divisions may be modified or combined.
Open Flag Football Nights during the week of Feb 12th.
The season will start during the week of Feb. 19th with a skills combine and Draft day for each division. Teams will be formed by Feb. 25th and Games will start March 2nd.
Games will be held on either Saturday or Sunday afternoons, depending on the coach's schedule.
Once the season starts, Practices will only be held for 5th grade and above. They could practice once per week, depending on coaches availability.
End of Season and/or Playoff Tournament will be in early to mid-April.
Schedule could change depending on weather and volunteers.
Check out the NFL Flag rulebook for more information about rule and regulations